Common banded hoverfly

Common banded hoverfly

Common banded hoverfly © Linda Seward

Common banded hoverfly

The common banded hoverfly has a fitting name: it is not only one of our most common species, its black body is also covered in yellow bands! It can be seen in many habitats from gardens to woodlands.

Scientific name

Syrphus ribesii

When to see

March to November

Species information


Length: 1cm



The common banded hoverfly is a very common hoverfly found along hedgerows, and in gardens and woodlands. Adults feed on the nectar of flowers, while the larvae are predators of aphids. This hoverfly has multiple broods; adults are seen throughout spring and summer, while the larvae survive the winter as pupae. The common banded hoverfly creates a hum when resting by vibrating its wings.

How to identify

The common banded goverfly has a rounded, black body with a pattern of yellow spots and bands. This is just one of a large group of very similar hoverflies that can be found in a variety of habitats. Many hoverflies are very difficult to identify, requiring a microscope to look at tiny characters, such as the shape of the veins in the wings.



Did you know?

There are more than 270 species of hoverfly in the UK, ranging in size from a few millimetres to 2cm.