Living Seas Champions
Within each of the North West Wildlife Trusts we have a Living Seas Champion, a member of staff who's job role is not primarily marine but who volunteers to champion our Living Seas work within their Trust and beyond.
David Harpley, Cumbria Wildlife Trust

David grew up on the shores of Morecambe Bay and has always had an interest in the marine environment. He has a long involvement in the management of our seas, having been involved in marine planning issues around barrages, bridges and cables over the years. David served on and was chair of the Cumbria Sea Fisheries Committee and is currently a member of the North-west Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Agency
David Dunlop, Lancashire Wildlife Trust

David has worked for The Wildlife Trusts for over 30 years; first in Northern Ireland, then Oxfordshire, and now in Lancashire. He is Senior Conservation Officer for Policy & Advocacy for Lancashire Wildlife Trust and the Trust’s Living Seas Champion. He graduated in Zoology from the Queen’s University of Belfast and spent some years afterward at that University’s marine biology station on Strangford Lough, struggling to identify copepods on sand-mason reefs and running away from incoming tides.