Go wild with The Wildlife Trusts!
This June, join hundreds of thousands of people taking part in 30 Days Wild. We're challenging you to do something a little bit wild every day: that's 30 Days of fun, exciting and simple Random Acts of Wildness. It's easy!
We're giving you a free pack of goodies to help you plan your wild month, plus lots of ideas from your Wildlife Trust to inspire you to stay wild all throughout June (and beyond!).

The Wildlife Trusts' month-long nature challenge
From random acts of wildness, like walking barefoot in the sand or taking a moment to watch wading birds on the beach, to big things, like giving up single-use plastics for a month or pledging your support to a nature campaign, 30 Days Wild is all about re-connecting with the natural world around you and doing a little bit of good for wildlife.
What's in your pack?

When you sign up, you’ll get a free, downloadable pack of goodies to help you plan your wild month, plus lots of ideas to inspire you to stay wild all throughout June (and beyond!). For extra ‘bonus’ items, keep an eye on your emails for additional, fun activities, from instructions for baking hedgehog cupcakes to a beginner’s guide to wildlife photography.
Random Acts of Wildness
A Random Act of Wildness is anything you can do during a normal day to bring a little nature into your life. They can take a few seconds, a few minutes, or if you lose yourself completely, a few hours!
30 Days Wild doesn't just help the wildlife; you'll feel the benefits, too! We're all a part of nature, and nature needs to be a part of our lives.
Over the past four years, The Wildlife Trusts have been working with the University of Derby to find out how 30 Days Wild affects people taking part. Spending time outdoors can make you feel happier, healthier and closer to nature, as well as helping people to take more actions to help wildlife.